Issue Position: Rule of Law

Issue Position

By: Dan Cox
By: Dan Cox
Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Location: Frederick, MD

They come to America because of our law and order and the peace we are blessed with. But that peace and security is in peril. A Heroin and Opioid epidemic is flooding Maryland as the Governor's Task-Force led by Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford recently announced it is now the number one killer by accidental deaths - even above car accidents. We must secure the rule of law by supporting equality in enforcement and securing the Border through a comprehensive approach. We should not be permitting the flood of heroin over the Border and Dan Cox will work to stop this flow of heroin into the streets of America.

The immigration issue is directly connected to the Border crisis. We should not be permitting some foreign nationals to come and stay here illegally while others are penalized and forced to stay at the end of the line simply because they are obeying the law. Such a policy is both nonsensical as well as unjust and in violation of federal law. Either we are a nation of laws or of men. Dan Cox has made it clear he will work everyday to keep America safe and just by securing the Border and working to ensure fairness to all under the law.

Rejecting Disenfranchisement by Gerrymandering

Dan Cox has litigated in court for individuals from many different backgrounds and political persuasions, always seeking to uphold the rule of law. He disagrees with his opponent who has disenfranchised Maryland citizens through the newly gerrymandered District 8 described by the Washington Post as resembling a "mushroom cloud," now extending from the DC Border all the way up through Frederick and Carroll Counties to the Pennsylvania Border.

The First Amendment and the Bill of Rights is not up for sale or licensing, nor is the Constitution to be changed to permit supra-State unelected "commission" members to draw state Congressional District lines like his opponent proposes. The Constitution only permits the States to choose its Congressional representation Districts upon enumerated terms, and his opponent should not seek to take his method of disenfranchising voters to Congress. If unelected bureaucrats are drawing the Congressional District lines, then we will not be able to directly vote them out and we will lose our freedom.
